EMDR Intro Training 4 Apr 2025


EMDR Intro Training – 4 & 5 Apr, 4 & 5 May 2025



The 2024 Comprehensive training comprises three components: the 2 + 2 day intro training (days One – Four) AND the two day Advanced training (days Five and Six) AND 10 hours of Case Consultation.  You need approximately 8 sessions of clinical experience before you register separately for the pre-paid Advanced training. We will send you more details later.

You can register in 1 of 3 ways:

  1. The EMDR Comprehensive Training with one payment now of $1695 or
  2. The EMDR Comprehensive Training by instalments of $895 now and $805 in 1 month’s time.
  3. As above, by instalments of $595 now and 2 further monthly instalments of $560.

Note: Because we have a strict limit on numbers in this training, and the amount of pre-training preparation you are required to complete before Day One we cannot change your registration to another training after one month prior to the start of the workshop. Changes made after this date will attract a change fee, per our Requests to change training.

Your registration for this workshop is subject to your acceptance of our Therapist Training’s Conditions of Service.

To take this training you must meet the EMDR Assn of Australia Eligibility criteria. See https://emdraa.org/are-you-eligible/.